#CaltechTogether: Lee Coleman

Lee Coleman

“There’s an old adage about all research really being ‘me-search,’ so, as a psychologist who specializes in treating depression, it’s not too hard to make some educated guesses about my background. I was 15 when I had my first depressive episode, and the second nearly derailed my college career when I couldn’t do anything but lie in bed and cry for days at the time. As a teenager, I didn’t have the language to know what was going on. Only when I got to college did I learn the words for what I was going through: depression, anxiety, panic attacks. Knowing what I was dealing with helped me stop blaming myself and reach out for help—and in retrospect, it’s the best thing I could have done for myself. I saw a therapist throughout college and grad school, which was instrumental in helping me finish my education. I also continue to take preventative medication regularly to reduce the risk of future episodes. As a psychologist, I can see how common my experiences were and how important it was that I got help. About 20 percent of Americans will experience a depressive episode at some point, and college students are in the prime age range to experience mood or anxiety disorders for the first time. I’m sharing my story to normalize how common these problems are and to be clear that decades of research show that getting treatment can help. Come talk with us at Student Wellness Services. We’re here for you.”

Lee Coleman is assistant director of counseling services at Caltech’s Counseling Center. Caltech Wellness is launching a pop-in group for students via Zoom on Mondays from noon until 1 p.m. beginning on October 19. Find the link here.

#CaltechTogether is a special edition of #SoCaltech spotlighting the many ways members of our community are joining together to support one another and to take responsibility for our collective health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.